Archive of ‘social studies’ category

Pearl Harbor Poem

President Roosevelt called it ” A day that will live in infamy.”

Entered Word War II after after that

Arizona, Oklahoma, West Virginia, California were the battleships that were sunk

Remembered at the memorial in Hawaii

Lasted for two hours

Had been attacked on December 7,1941

At 8:00 AM the Japanese attacked

Rest in peace to the 2,345 men who died

Bombed by the Japanese

One of the hero’s of the day is J.T Hasl

Remember this day forever



My Veteran

Lt. Col. McCormick has severed in the U.S. Army for several years. He has been to Iraq twice and to Afghanistan once. He has earned two bronze metals. He says ” Failure is not an option.” He is right and hes very brave to go and fight for our freedom.

Jamestown or Plymouth


Loved their beliefs

You may have gotten seasick

Met Indians

Out of course

Under the top deck to sleep

To escape persecution they moved

Had the first Thanksgiving

I would had liked to live in Plymouth rather than Jamestown because I would move for the freedom to worship not to find gold. Another reason is that there were no women in Jamestown. Also, I don’t like get bitten by mosquitoes. Lastly, I would haveĀ  liked to be in the first Thanksgiving. That is why I would haved liked to live in Plymouth

Henry Hudson

June 1611

Explorer Gazette


The explorer Henry Hudson has gone missing. Here is some background info. in case you never herd of him. The first voyage for Henry Hudson was in 1602 when he sailed for the Dutch East India Company. He was searching for the Northwest Passage to the Indies. He and his crew found a harbor and a river that flows through it. He thought it might be passage,but sadly the river became too shallow. On his second voyage he sailed for England. He tried to find the Northwest passage again. During the winter the bay froze over and Hudson and his crew plus the ship were stuck in the ice for the winter. In June the ice melted and Hudson set sail agin. The crew thought he was going back, insted he was continueing his search. The angrey crew members put Hudson, his son , and other loyal crew members in a boat with no oars. They were never seen agin. I think they died of starveation.